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Frequently Asked Questions


Do you take insurance? 

No. The monthly membership fee allows freedom from filing with insurance — no office visit fees and no co-pays are collected.

Do I need to keep my insurance?

Yes. Patients are encouraged to maintain their health insurance for use with specialists, hospital stays, imaging, etc. 

Can I keep my specialists? My preferred hospital?

Absolutely and absolutely!

What about lab work? 

We will use a local lab to process and bill our lab work through a patient’s insurance.

Can HSA/FSA funds be used for the membership fee?

Some HSA policies DO allow for funds to be used for concierge clinic fees. Please check with your particular policy and let us know if this option is available to you. 

What happens when Dr. Moore goes on vacation?

Patients of Cahaba Concierge Medicine will have Dr. Moore’s cell phone to text, call, video chat or email for after hour and weekend issues, and Dr. Moore’s staff will be available for in-clinic testing and examinations even when Dr. Moore is out of town.